Appointments can be canceled from the Calendar, Appointment or Clients pages.
Occasionally you'll need to cancel or reschedule an existing appointment. You can do this on the Calendar, Appointment or Clients pages - they all work in a similar way:
Find the relevant appointment and click on the three dots.
A menu will open, click on Cancel or Reschedule to remove or change an appointment.
Notifications will be sent confirming the change.
AppointmentGuru Cookie policy
Required cookies
We make minimal use of cookies to enable functionality such as logging in.
Important cookies
We use some cookies to help provide us to offer you a customized response - e.g.: so that we don't ask you the same question multiple times or that we can remember your configurations.
Tracking cookies
We use Google Analytics to understand how users use our website so that we can optimize our product.
You can turn off Google analytics here: